Monday, May 24, 2010

Are grey hounds low maintenance?

Alot will depend if you get a pet raised or retired racer greyhound. Retired racers often times need to learn things most other dogs already know (like not to smack into glass patio doors) because they are used to things pet raised dogs are.

Greyhounds DO need exercise, but they can also make calm wonderful pets. They have very short fur so low maitanance there (however this does not equal non-shedding!)

They are VERY sensitive to cold tempratures as they not only have very little coat, but don't have the fat reserves to protect %26 maintain body heat.

They can be prone to bloat as with most deep chested breeds (a fatal twist of the bowl) so it is important to make sure they are fed a few times a day instead of one large meal, and not before or after lots of activity.

No dog is truely "low" maitanance. ALL dogs require exercise, training, health care, proper nutrition. But they can also be highly rewarding!
Short question--short answer. NO
No, not at all. Greyhounds need ALOT of exercise and attention and they get destructive if they dont get it.
yes, compared to most breeds. it is far less fragile than it looks. it is quiet, so it won't disturb the neighbours much, it's slim and doesn't eat much food. plus they are good with children. it is a good choice if you want to get a dog for the first time
No, not at all. And, the guy above has no clue as to what he is babbling about.
Greyhounds are excellent dogs, but they do require daily excercise, My neighbor has 4 of them and they are beautiful and very well behaved. They are very loyal dogs.
you have to be kidding to even ask...of course they are high maintenance...they are athletics....
The answer to your question really depends if you want one for a pet or as a racing dog. As a pet they are comparible with other breeds. As a racing dog they can be quite expensive to maintain, especially if you hope to make it a winner. Some of the previous answers have good info concerning the pros/cons of a grey hound as a pet.
No and NO. They are very high energy and their skin is fragile and prone to tearing. They do not do well in any extreme temperature so they must be indoor dogs.
That being said, they are fantastic dogs, just not the low maintanence variety.
That depends on what you mean by low maintenance.

Grooming-wise , yes I'd classify them as low maintenance.

Exercise-wise, it depends on the dog's age. GH puppies are very energetic, but like most Sighthound they are bred to run really fast and then go back to sleep. As long as they get to run daily off leash and get some good leash walks, they do really well.

They need a comfy bed or a couch. They need wide martingale collars that they cannot back out of. They need training like any dog. They are fairly sensitive and do best with positive training.

They love their owners, they should be house dogs.

Adult GHs are fairly low-key. Some ex-racers are quite lazy as adults. I know 2 that run for about 20 minutes at the dog park and then are content to just sniff about.

Research the breed and meet some in person. I've fostered a few and they've been super nice dogs. All ex-racers and grateful for any attention.

They often do best as a pair. GHs usually love other GHs. Many adopters end up with a second dog :)

And the breed name is Greyhound :)

GHs and other Sighthounds are great pets for the Right owner. One that understand their needs and their strong hunting/chasing instincts.
In Australia we have a organisation/rescue service called GAP. They save a lot of retired greyhounds from being put to sleep when they have finished racing. They describe them as couch potatos, they love nothing more than sleeping on a comfy couch. Like all dogs they need to be walked/exercised, but have a short coat which would make them reasonably easy maintenance.
Before going into new forever homes they are sent off to foster homes to see how they react to smaller animals, some aren't suitable with cats but most are very loving gentle dogs.
read what whippet said and pay attention, its correct.most of the maintenance with a greyhound is keeping it on a lead and exercising.other then that they just need a warm place to couch serf.

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