Friday, May 8, 2009

Abandoned puppy, biting and other possible behavioral problems.?

My puppy was FOUND at approximately 5 weeks old, so who knows how long he was away for his mom and littler mates! He is 13 weeks now, I understand that he didn鈥檛 learn bite inhibition from his mom and littler mates, so he is constantly trying to play with us, and he bites our hands and tries to pounce on our faces. You can tell its play, because he doesn鈥檛 growl, and he doesn鈥檛 pull, We do a number of things to get him to stop, holding his snout shut telling him No BITE, and pin him down, and we will ignore him so he knows play time is over. We have just started to socialize him with the dogs in the neighborhood, and he plays great with them! I am wondering if the more he plays with the older dogs, if that will be enough to get him to out grow his biting. Or if we should employ a more professional way of teaching him, what other behavioral problems do puppies separated to early form their pack have? what should we expect, and what should we look out for? Thanks!
Just push him down when he tries to jump and close his mouth when he tries to bite you. Dogs should learn to never jump on people and never mouth them.

I would look out for any dominate behavioral tendencies such as trying to put his head over you, growl, territoriality, refusal to release his toys to you, food aggression, refusal to roll onto his back to let you pet his belly.. things like that. Deal with any aggressive tendencies while he is young, so you have less teenage rebellion. Getting a puppy at five weeks doesn't mean you will have horrible problems with him forever. It just means you might have to teach him mom things. He'll be fine. Some dogs are just naturally more dominate or more hyper than others. It's a personality trait.

Enjoy your dog and have a wonderful life with him.
Keep letting him play with the neighborhood dogs, it will be positive for his personality.

Also, the biting is perfectly normal at his age with all puppies. Be consistant and he will out grow it soon enough :-).
He is just wanting to play and doesn't now how to. He doesn't realize how bad is teeth hurt when he bites. If he tries to bite tell him no and walk away from him he will realize he lost his playmate. It is normal for puppies to bite, so your puppy isn't abnormal. I hope this helped. Good luck to you and your puppy.
This is just so typical,Its made me giggle. i got 2puppy's at the mo, a Siberian husky and sheltie x, the sheltie was a street dog in Crete! and rescued straight into a dog home where we got her from. Both our dogs do it and judging by what you say your doing the right thing, Every time she does it just say no in a strong voice and turn your back on her. She will soon put 2 and 2 together and realize that the biting stops the play and will stop doing it if she wants you to carry on, and she will. It will take few days of doing it but she'll get the message. Try and use just 1 word commands as dogs don't understand words they only go by tones and double words just confuse them.

Hope this helps a little, and good luck with your puppy's! x
Keep letting him play with neighborhood dogs (but not stray or else something bad happens). He can watch and learn things from them.

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