Friday, May 8, 2009

Advice needed?

5 year old staffy started weeing on floor at night when we go to bed ,never done it before any advice? p.s yes i let him out before bedtime.
sorry to hear about your dog. but it sounds like he might have a bladder or kidney infection. i would get him to the vet and have him checked out.

if that's not the problem then i would look at any changes in the family and house. did you rearrange your room recently? did someone move in or out? did you move to another house? new animal? etc.

animals stress out easily with new situations. they don't understand why these changes happen. so i would look at all possibilities
suck it
Any change happened? New baby, new pet, new house?! Dog's are sensitive to change, so he might be attention seeking. Failing that, get him to the vets, as he might have a prostate problem.
maybe objecting if he's being left on his own at night? If he is used to either another dog with him, or sleeping in a room with someone - a habit you may be trying to break, he may just be objecting in the only way he knows how... ?

I too have a staffy cross who's just 4, she does it sometimes if we spend alot of time in and out all day without including her, even though she's had lots of time in the garden %26 walks before %26 after
Get his kidneys and urine checked out at the vet in case he has an infection.

If not, it sounds like a behavioural problem and it is usually caused by stress or loneliness brought on from a change of routine or someone new in the house.
If he's never done this before and you are letting him out before, I would say a trip to the vet is in order.

They need to check kidney and bladder to make sure he doenst' have and infection.

Is he neutered? if not, he could be marking. Best to get him neutered, it will curb this and he will be healthier.

If the vet check goes okay and he is neutered. then is there a chance he is afraid of something? You may need to kennel him at night.
Have you changed anything within your house? any routine changes can unsettle a dog. If not, i would consult a vet for advice.

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