Friday, May 8, 2009

Adopted dog has started to get diarrhea.?

We recently adopted a cross collie dog, 1yr old and whilst still really energetic he has started to get diarrhea, i first noticed it yesterday night, but thought nothing of it and he ate his food (we adopted him last saturday), but he has had it this morning as well, we're keeping off food till tommorow morning and seeing how he goes and i'm just about to pop-out to go and get some chicken and rice as i've read that can help it settle down.

We haven't changed his diet and are still using the food supplied from the dogs home. Apart from the diarrhea he still seems very energetic and alert, is there anything that we should look out for? If it doesn't clear up by tommorow afternoon should be take him over to the vets?

(Hes had all his shots and been de-wormed etc when he was taken in, roughly 2 weeks ago).
I had the same issue with my dog when I adopted him and brought him home. Basically its change of environment, stress, new surroundings, etc. I would take him to the vet, though. I took mine and at that time, she gave me a perscription to help bring him back to normal...that worked. Usually when a dog has the runs, it is a result of food or environment. I'd feed him only dry food, no wet food, keep lots of water nearby as he could become dehydrated, take him to the vet, and feed him cooked rice...that always helps...even for humans!! But...again, do take him to the vet. It needs to be cleared up and only the vet can tell you what's really just might be something else that you need to be aware of. They can determine through bloodwork, but I'd call the vet first and ask if they'd need a stool sample too. Its easier to come with one than have to bring it back later.
Yes you should take him to the vet!!!
Probably just nerves from getting a new home. Lots of pets get the trots when they're stressed, no need to deprive her of food. Best of luck!
i think its the change in his diet, with my older dog, even a change within the same brand of food gave her diarrhea. he might be eating something he's allergic to
Most dogs have diarrhea the first few days as they are adjusting to their new environment. However keep an eye out. My puppy was de-wormed and everything before we got her and she had a parasite that wasn't covered in the de-worming shot. You should take him to the vet for a check-up.
yes/ take him /call them/ tell them whats going on to see what u should do/he will become dehydrated
In their teen age years the dogs tend to be hyperreactive. This is probably stress diarhea. Slow down on training or extra attention and give him time to settle in. feed white cheeze for treats. One can give human diahrea meds if nessisary. Be certain he has a quiet place to lay around in. these are cave loveing animals to behind a chair or in a clauset or such works well.
I think I would be taking him to the vet. There is a disease (and the name excapes me right now) that causes severe diarrhea and can cause death. I lost two dogs to it years ago and that is how it started out. To be on the safe side I would take him to the vet for a check up.
Make sure he's getting enough water, diarrhea can cause dehydration, which can cause more diarrhea. If he's eating dry food, mix it with warm water. If it's wet food, see if he'll eat some ice cubes or something to help keep him hydrated. He might be fighting a doggy flu, or might've gotten into something. White rice with boiled hamburger will help settle his stomach, and there are also foods available for sensitive stomachs. He might need a change, just because his environment changed.
Don't NOT feed your dog, just feed him dry food only, and make sure he has a lot of water, he can get dehydrated and you don't want that. Dehydration can be very bad.and as you may know diarrhea causes dehydration...
but maybe you should take him to the vet anyway...
I would try the chicken and rice. but not canned food. You should cook up rice and boil chicken.
After 3 days if continues you need to take him in to the vets, bring a stool sample.
aI don't know where you got him but a lot of places uses over the counter which are not very effective.
I think it could be coccidia which is a bacteria in all dogs and stress brings it on. The vet can give you medication. Also if he still needs to be wormed with something stronger.
Also depending on the wormer they need to be followed up.
I hope he will be ok but definately get him to the vet if it continues. If you do need to please make sure they know that this has been continuing for 3 days already.
Also make sure he is at least drinking so he doesn't dehydrate even if you have to force him to drink.
He is alright for now but don't let this go on for more than another day or so. If it does, he needs to go to the vets. You want to make sure that he access to water all the time. Taking him off the food is fine but make sure you leave his water where he can get it. You don't want him getting dehydrated, and it doesn't take much to become dehydrated when you have diarrhea.
do what I did when i had a dog,we fed her dry macaroni or rice,do not put cheese on the rice or macaroni.see how it goes with what i told you about. I hope your dog bouces back.good luck!
His food wouldn't be a bag from the recall list, would it?
I'm a vet tech student and I highly suggest getting the dog to the vet tomorrow if not today. Since he was adopted and came from somewhere else which had other dogs there, canine parvo is a possibility. Even though he has been vaccinated, there is actually a small window of opportunity for the parvo virus to get into the system. I know this sounds gross, but just make sure you don't see any blood in it from now until you take him to the vet.(which hopefully will be soon) He could also have worms. Not too big of a deal as long as they are treated early on. The vet will want a stool sample to test, so glove up and dig in.

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