Friday, May 8, 2009

Advice on caring for a Lab puppy?

hey, we just got a yellow lab pup and wanted to know any advice on caring for it. She is only 8 weeks old, and we know she'll be a lot of work. It would be great for some general advice on training, etc.
We are experienced dog owners. thanks...
I really hope you have a fence. I have a yellow lab and he loves to run. Also, I wouldn't count on an electric fence. They work wonders for some people but my lab will sit there and be shocked on the highest voltage and it doesn't phase him.

Also, labs will get fairly big and some people are afraid of big dogs. I would definitely recommend obedience training.

I think that when she is old enough, you should get her involved in something. You don't have to be competitive about it but you need something to let her use up her energy. I suggest agility, flyball or sign her up to be a dock dog. I do agility with my dog and he loves it!

Labs are definitely retrievers so you need to train her that she should retrieve her toys and not your shoes and socks.

Give her plenty of options when it comes to toys. Labs have very short attention spans. They will hop from toy to toy. Make sure she has enough toys that she won't get bored and decide your wallet would be fun to play with.

Crate train your dog at an early age. That way if you have to leave her home alone, she will not be left roaming the house getting her paws on anything she possibly can.

Labs have deep barks that can get really loud and annoying. Teach her at an early age that you will not tolerate barking. The best way to do this is to get a squirt bottle and fill it with vinegar, water, lemon juice, etc. and spray it at her every time she barks at you.

You can never have too many bones. Get rawhides, marrow bones, busy bones, anything you can get your hands on. It will keep her mouth busy so she won't try to chew on your furniture instead.

That's all I can think of now. Hope she turns out great!
New puppies (and ALL new pets) should be checked out by a vet after comming into their new home. He or she will let you know.
Firstly, great choice on the breed (I love labradors)

Depending on what type of dog you're used to having (you say you're experienced), it's just like taking care of any dog really, be prepared for feeding them more if you're used to a small dog, and follow advice from your vet on feeding amounts, and differences with other dogs.

Train from an early age, as they're great dogs, really clever too, so train them well and they'll be extremely well mannered obedient dogs!
My best advice is to crate train her and as soon as puppy shots are over, get her in puppy class and obedience training. That, and feed her a good diet and love her to bits.

Crate training website below.
I have had alot of Labs they want alot of attention and lots of labs like water.Labs eat just about anything so if you dont want some of your stuff missing I suggest buy some soft dog toys, make sure they are soft so you dont hurt her teeth since shes only 8 weeks old.They want alot of attention so it might not be the best idea to leave her alone.To train...get dog treats that she likes,you have to have a commanding voice when trying to train,when you want her to don something make sure you explain to her what you are wanting her to do such as to get the pup to sit put a little pressure on its lower back,if you have a older dog who knows tricks have it do it and your pup might catch on a little faster.Good Luck.
The first thing I can suggest is to start crate training. Don't force the dog in there; put toys and treats in there to coax her in. Have PLENTY of toys and nylabones for your pup to chew on. When you are away from home, put your puppy in the crate. She will whine for a few days, but will eventually get used to it. Like a baby, you shouldn't run to her when she starts to whine. It will only increase because she is getting your attention. Take her for walks twice a day and since labs are hyper, I suggest swimming or playing ball as well. When you are out for your walks, I highly suggest purchasing a halti or gentle leader, because they work. Its a great way to train your dog not to pull you and it lets her know whos in charge. I have a saint bernard mix pup and she is 96 lbs. I am telling you, if you start out soon enough with the halti, it will benefit you in the long run. She will most likely try to get it off, but bring treats and always praise her when she is good. GOod luck and I hope this helps a bit.
Labs are crazy hyper. We have a 2 yr old choc lab. Hes so fun tho. Be sure to give them LOTS of toys b/c labs chew soooo much. Crate train her asap. Labs are really smart dogs, they just have short attention spans so have lots of training treats available to keep them focused. Good Luck!
I have a black lab puppy.shes a little older now (9 months) but she was so stubborn! I found the best way to train her was to give her a treat when she does what I ask. She used to run away every time we let her outside and we had to start chaining her up,I hated it.I got a bag of treats one day and when she came in the house I gave her one.After about two weeks she wasnt running away anymore.She comes in the house on her own now! My advice is to always reward good behavior.
start looking for a puppy class now! Socialization is vital to avoid fear and dominance issues Avoid any confusion and bad habbits don't let them on the furniture or bed ever keep kids toys picked up Etc> A good puppy class will teach you all the basic on how to deal with common puppy issues.
I am Petco trainer myself, my only recomendation on training is to find someone who wont use slip collars(choke chains) and uses a lure and reward or clicker training method will be best for your family and your dog!
There are a lot of training collars out there now like gentle leader and martingale collars. Stay away from the retractable leash till he is trained well on staying near you and coming when called. So much advice i could give but finding a good trainer is key
Great choice by the way I have a lab mix myself.
are you experienced puppy buyers?? if so, i hope that you used a reputable breeder,, if you did, the breeder would have and still will offer you tons of advice on training, grooming, nail clipping , feeding etc.. keep in close touch with the breeder..

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