Friday, May 21, 2010

Anyone know what these red colored dime sized circles on my Great Dane's stomach are?

I have a 10 month old Great Dane girl and yesterday I came home and found these three dime size red colored circles on my Great Dane's stomach, anyone know what they could be?
Since they are dime sized, red, and perfect circles, it is
Ringworm, which is a FUNGAL infection, super contagious and yes, YOU may get it, too if you don't take him ASAP to the vet for treatment.

Please, do not let her have contact with other animals, nor people, specially kids.

Make sure you call your vet, so they know you are coming and when you are coming, so you and your dog don't hang out in the waiting room area, where you may spread this to the other visitors at the clinic.

Do not delay this! This is very serious!!
They could very well be bites (Spider, mosquito, etc.). Have her checked by the vet.
Could be ring worm... don't know though. You should call your vet and give them the description... I don't think it's a big deal though. You may want to get antibiotics or something from the vet.
bites or ring worm or an allergic reaction. take to vet
They might be ringworms. That happened to my dog, but you should definetely take her to the vet.
It could be ringworm. Take her to the vet to be sure of what it is. They should be able to tell you right away what it is %26 give you some medicine for it to treat at home.
Sounds like hot spots. A skin testing at the vet would be best to determine the exact skin irritation.
ringworm or hot spots

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