Monday, May 24, 2010

Are carrots bad for dogs!???

Hell no, they are great for dogs, even raw as treats instead of chocolate treats of biscuit treats. I had a doggy dietician attached to my vet, suggest that when i cook up their food, to add grated raw carrot after the food is cooked and cooled, its good for their skin and fur. Some fruits are good for dogs too, raw apple, banana, pears and basically any non acidic fruit. The only vegetables that are bad for dogs are any that are part of the onion or bulb style family, leeks, onion, chives, and garlic if given too much.
where did u hear this crap?!?!?!?! OMG...they are the healthiest thing you could ever give a dog...
No, carrots are fine for dogs. They have trouble digesting them though. If you are feeding them to your dog for nutritional value then you should shred them or put them in a food processor. Otherwise, if your dog likes them the cool.

Here is a list which can be found on the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center Website:

Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Pet
- Alcoholic beverages
- Avocado
- Chocolate (all forms)
- Coffee (all forms)
- Fatty foods
- Macadamia nuts
- Moldy or spoiled foods
- Onions, onion powder
- Raisins and grapes
- Salt
- Yeast dough
- Garlic
- Products sweetened with xylitol

oh, and besides coffee... you should avoid feeding your dogs caffeine products as well.
They offer the same nutrition to dogs as they do to people.
Also, if you have an overweight dog, carrots can be added to food so that the dog feels full and still loses weight.
no, but the key is moderation-

Carrots should really only be a snack.

They're safe- but again- moderation. They're a good healthy snack compared to other treats we give them

and some of the "Natural" dog foods actually have carrots and carrot extracts in them.
Are you kidding? Of course not!
Nope not at all, carrots are great for dogs.. They are great for training, general snacks etc.

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