I'm planning on getting a cocker puppy.
i have a cocker (black and white) they need a lot of grooming and exercise, mines a bit flaky, very friendly at first glance but can be soooooo grouchy he hates my son, he was really easy to train to sit etc but he only does it when he wants to or if you've got a good treat for him otherwise why should he bother. just don't spoil him from the start and you should be fine, the problem with cockers is they are sooo cute you just want to baby them and then that's it they're ruined.
No dog is easy to take care of. They take alot of dedication and work. Now if your asking if they're good dogs well yes any dog is good with proper training. Cockers spainials are beautiful dogs. Good Luck with your new pup.
Pretty much. Like all pups, they need plenty of attention, toys, a crate and lots of love. Socialize your dog in puppy socialization training to help it get used to other dogs and people. The more socializing the better. Some can be aggressive so socialize alot!!
I have a cocker spaniel %26 they are absolutely gorgeous! Like most dogs though, they involve a lot of work, but because they are smaller than other breeds of dog, it is easier to toilet train them. Cocker spaniels are meant to be pretty stupid %26 therefore hard to train, but my dog got it straight away. Have fun!
Personally, i think they take a lot of work. They require daily brushing, grooming on a regular basis (either at a groomers, or you need to learn to clip their coat), nails need to kept short and ears need to be kept clean (very important as many seem to have stinky infected ears in this area --must be prone to ear problems). Many also have runny kind of eye because of the hair around them.
They also should start being socialized and going to classes as soon as possible so they are calm and friendly.
NO!! They are very high maintenance. They must be send to the groomers to be bathed and clipped regularly which gets expensive. Must have their ears cleaned constantly. Even if you do they STILL tend to keep chronic ear infections that follow them their whole life! Their ears (which are always chronically infected) tend to exude a very disgusting odor as well. Vet bill after vet bill and they are still stinky and infected! My vet tells me with a smile on her face "Its just the way cockers are." HAHAHA I love Twinkie to death but she is a lot of work, costs lots of money, and smells!
Also...be prepared. Little dogs last forever. Twinkie is 15 years old and still going with her bad self. lol My family had to adopt her 6 years ago when her original owner (my grandmother) died.
If you're looking for a dog that's EASY to take care of, get a pet rock and call it "Dog." Dogs are a lot of work. Especially puppies. Cocker spaniels are very smart and therefore need entertainment, exercise, and something to do. They love their people and need you to be there for them. I would definately check out cocker spaniel rescue groups. Those dogs need a home and you'll be saving a life. many of those dogs are purebred...if that's what you want, plus if you adopt a dog they are forever grateful to you, and you feel good knowing you helped them. And make sure you Bob Barker it...spay or neuter!! :)
They have varying personalities. They are notorious for acting dumb but are truly smart.
As for training, they can get ornery and difficult thus the presence of many cockers in pet shelters, especially those who come from cocker farms. Get yours from a reliable breeder so you know they do not come with doggie neuroses issues.
To be a spaniel owner, you must be the boss from day one
The best tone to use is a loving tone of voice. They do not respond well to angry voices (this is where they pretend to be dumb). "What ,me?, I didnt do that"
Be consistent with food and water, and last and one of the most important things to remember, they need quite a lot of grooming so consider grooming costs for the rest of their lives.
It can cost you a hefty penny. The spaniels are pretty much high maintenance but lovely dogs.
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