Friday, May 21, 2010

Anyone that has a Shih-Tzu?

How do you control their itchings %26 allergies? My Shih-Tzu scratches %26 knaws all the time. Now he is worse. I bathed him in hartz gold flea shampoo to see if that would help, it made him worse.
Is there something natural that I can use on him or give to him?
he is in a comstant itch or scratcjing or knawine. And he whines while scratching %26 knawing. I have looked for fleas , but don't see any. what can I do for him ?

Thank You
I would really recommend California Natural dog food:

Don't worry, there is NO wheat gluten in it so no food recall.
It has the SHORTEST ingredient list of any dog food and is made esp. for hypoallergenic pets.

There is a "where to buy" button on the top so you can find a store near you that sells it. Its ALL natural and SO healthy for your dog. You can buy the smallest bag they have which is 5 pounds (also have 20 and 36).

And ah, NEVER use Hartz ANYTHING! So many pets have died from complications from Hartz. Its the worst flea stuff ever.

I really suggest that food though. Its WELL worth it! If anything talk to the vet and he can suggest something else. But I think the food will work after a few weeks.

Hope that helps!
Some dogs need regular shots and/ or medication for their allergies. Take him to vet.
maybe he has dry skin. ---- Take him to the vet and have him thoroughly checked over.
It is very common for small breed dogs to have allergies you have 3 options.1. give childrens benadryl (1 milligram per pound of body weight) every 4-6 hours as needed . this is very very safe, but may cause drowsiness. 2. depo-medrol injections...steroid that is given as early as every month but over a long period of time may cause kidney problems. 3. Atopica (cyclosporin medication that suppresses the itching receptors in the dog) much safer than depo, but is rather costly the first month...normally given 1 tablet once a day for 30 days. Its common for them to have flea allergy dermatitis (takes 1 bite of a flea to make them itch...try advantage or advantix flea preventative)...when you bathe him use a suds free shampoo of aloe and oatmeal or a shampoo (also suds free.soap will strip flea preventative off) called relief. It has an antihistamine in itself. They can also be allergic to meats and dyes in the can switch him to a lamb and rice formula dog food, but you must feed it for at least 3 months to see a complete effect. Dogs can be allergic to everything we are to, so if he doesnt get better you can have him tested for allergens that he's allergic to, and the pharmacy can develop a serum that will need to be injected to help build his immune system against those particular allergens.
My vet gave us pills for the itching, but we have to hide them in a treat. Our shih-tzu has grass allergies. After the weather gets warm in the spring he starts. In the fall after the frost kills off the pollen he gets better. Try keeping him off grass(hard to do), and we use baby shampoo. We also keep his very short in warm weather. That helps him quite a bit. He,s 10 years old. Over the years thats the best we,ve been able to do. He may also be allergic to something you clean your carpet with. Vet also said to give him benadryl, but you should ask your OWN vet before you do that. Don,t give your dog ANY medication without calling an asking your vet! Our dog did the same as yours. It seems common in this breed of dog. Second one we,ve had and both have had that problem. Really, keep his hair short in the hot weather, and try keeping him out of the grass. Good luck!
I just go an Shih-Tzu, she in four months
I got a book on shih-Tzu. The book said to bath the dog every week or two
When I took her to the groomer, she said no more than once a month. Be careful on the shampoo. The Shih-tzu dry out easily
For tick i use the Tick treatment and a collar for ticks and fleas
I would chance the shampoo, and get a collar, or tick treatment
Also call your vet
I normally am not the type who says "see the vet" as my 1st reaction, but that may be appropriate in your case. Normally, I'd suggest using an Oatmeal shampoo, rather than a medicated flea shampoo.and recommend changing his food to something without corn, wheat, etc. such as Innova EVO dog kibble as it has no grains. It's expensive, but the dog eats less because it has no "fillers". If you try some of these suggestions %26 the little guy is still itching, see your vet.
Try to find a Veterinary Dermatologist.they would be the best bet. Otherwise use your regular vet.

Find out what the dog is allergic to.

Take the dog to a groomer and shave him down for now, so you can see how the skin is doing. Keep the nails trimmed and dremel the edges...ask the groomer.

Bathe the dog in cool water and rinse really really well. Get a medicated shampoo from the vet for the skin. It may need weekly baths at first to get the skin to calm down. Otherwise I'd use an Oatmeal/aloe shampoo for Dogs.

Tell the vet what food you are feeding.

It could be fleas...some dogs will react to just one.
It could be the food.some dogs need special diets.
It could be environmental.keep a notebook if you notice the dog scratching at certain times or in certain rooms.grass allergy, or new carpet or.

I've known dogs that were even allergic to dirt.they were kept shaved and got bathed every week.

Poor dog ! Also he may need antibiotics if he's got too much broken skin. Get him help soon or it could get much worse.

Contact the dog's breeder and let them know what is happening. It could be a problem with the whole litter.
you should see a veterinary dermatologist.
my shih tzu had the same problem... and after trying different baths, salves, and ointments I took her to the vet and they said she was basically allergic to her own dander... they put her on predisone for a month (pretty inexpensive) and after that switched her to atopica (40.00 for a month supply) kept her on it for a month... slowly weaning her off and she hasn't had any problems since, that one month on it was all she needed.

Good Luck!
my brothers dog has to take allergy medication prescribed by the vet.. i would also try a milder shampoo ( some have oatmeal in it ) since he has these allergies %26 don't bathe him too often it dries out his skin .

hope this helps
good luck

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