Monday, May 24, 2010

Are dog ticks dangerous for dogs?

Yesterday I went on a walk with my dog and today I noticed he has a tick (in a very delicate spot). I already sprayed it with the spray. What should I do?
Lyme disease (borreliosis) is a tick-borne disease. Transmission is highest in spring %26 fall when they are actively seeking hosts. Lameness, fever, anorexia, lethargy, and swollen lymph nodes are common signs, with or without swollen joints. Ehrlichia is also a concern. Both can be detected with a simple blood test done in the office.

Using a tick control, such as frontline plus, can help. "Fleas and ticks do not have to bite your pet for FRONTLINE Brand Products to work. FRONTLINE Brand Products kill fleas and ticks if they simply come into contact with your pet's hair coat. The fleas will die within 18 hours of contact with your treated pet, and ticks will die within 48 hours. "

As far as removal goes ...
"*Grab the tick by the head or mouth parts right where they enter the skin. Do not grasp the tick by the body.
*Without jerking, pull firmly and steadily directly outward. Do not twist the tick as you are pulling.
*Using methods such as applying petroleum jelly, a hot match, or alcohol will NOT cause the tick to 'back out.' In fact, these irritants may cause the tick to deposit more disease-carrying saliva in the wound.
*After removing the tick, place it in a jar of alcohol to kill it. Ticks are NOT killed by flushing them down the toilet.
*Clean the bite wound with a disinfectant. If you want to, apply a small amount of a triple antibiotic ointment. "
well you could buy an anti tick bath solution for your dog. Bathe Him while mixing it in the water. Then try to dry him up completely with a towel most ticks will die but still there can be problems. Consult your vet if the problem presists
The spray shold get rid of it. If not, go to a vet. DO NOT remove it by yourself. The vet will do that if matters get worse!!!

Bleach the tick or take a HOT piece of metal stick it to the ticks *** the tick releases it grip so you dont pull the tick off only to leave the head imbedding the the skin..This can cause health issues also..the first part Yes ticks are dangerous got all kinds of diseases...
Well firstly ticks are not very harmful it's just as harmful as like us having the flu or a virus but if your dog starts to vomit remember to give it a little bit of milk and a tick bath the milk should stop the vomiting if it happens but if that doesn't work take it to a vet but remember don't remove the ticks yourself a vet should do that if the ticks get worse and then the ticks should go away but this once happened to my nan when she had a dog when she was a child the dog got ticks as well. Hope this helps regards M_tancevski
jeep your eye on your dog and if he shows any signs of wobbliness or seems to be very dull and lazy go straightto the vet i work in a vet and this week we have had two dogs die because of owners thinking they will get over it not saying you would but if you notice any abnormalities in the way your dog acts go straight to the vet pease its very hard to bring them back past a certain point , even of he is drooling excessivly and swallowing alot take it to get checked!
good luck ticks are evil.
Yes, they are. Ticks carry diseases and you should have your dog on preventative medicine. Take your dog to the vet.
I think it depends on the type of tick. I've seen shows from America where an animal can be covered by ticks and not die. They do of course suffer from the blood loss and definately need treatment from a vet. However, when both of my dogs got ticks (I'm from Australia) it was very serious and the vet said they were only a day away from death. They were walking like they were very very drunk and would have died if we did not treat at the vets. (I think they were called paralyis ticks??). Either way, do not try and remove the tick and seek medical attention for your dog.
I don't know where you're from, but in Europe ticks can carry borreliosis, which can give lyme disease in humans and dogs. I believe, the tick usually has to sit on for more than 24 hours for the disease to transfer. Most pet shops here sell a tick-removal tool that will allow you to pull out the tick safely. Don't rub the tic in oil or anything like that to make it let go, as this can cause it to vomit and thereby increase the infection risk.

First symptoms can be fever, loss of appetite, lethargy. Later symptoms swollen joints and/or front and hind legs becoming paralyzed.

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