Monday, May 24, 2010

Are beagles good family dog with kids?

Beagles are an excellent breed to have around children. Children are high strung and full of energy. Beagles are high strung and full of energy. They'll keep each other busy for hours.
From my experiences, they are. They're really size-appropriate for kids, too, and they take great pictures for your photo albums. Proper training is always important, though. I mean, lots of dogs are good with kids, as long as they're trained well.
yes no maybe hahahhaahhahaahhahahahhahahahh...
Yes they are, very sweet and loving, but can be hard to train, have a tendency to become overweight and can be LOUD. I love them, though :)
Yes they are. I had one from age 7 to 17. I loved her very much, she was a great family dog.
It really depends on the dog itself and the age. if the dog is very young or is already used to kids then yes but if the dog is not used to kids and is at an old age then no.
They are AWESOME dogs for kids, they are very tolerant of being rough-housed. They are very loyal. They basically think they are one of the kids and act like it. on the negative side they do bark, alot and can have a tendency to stray away from home.
My sister and her family have a beagle. His name is Dudley and they just love him to peices.
my mom had a beagle growing up and there were 8 kids in her grand parents had a beagle that all of us grand kids played with all the time...there are 4 of us
yes they are but can be a full on dog's that need your time all the time, as they are very smart and get bored easy.great with kid but if you have the time and are home alot then it would be a great family member
Beagles are great with kids as long as the kids are told how to react to the dog. They shouldn't run through the house screaming because the dog will take chase and possibly (not meaning to) bite the kids and kids have to know that the dog isn't made of steel and can't be too rough.They should also participate in the training so the dog knows that he/she is to listen to them also and that they are above him/her on the command ladder.
Unless you have a ton of land, lots of time to be outside, or are a hunter; no, beagles are not good pets. They're extremely hyper, clumsy with play, and can be rough. They have the highest abandon rates at shelters. So unless the first few descriptions fit you and your lifestyle, if you sincerely want a beagle as a family pet, I suggest you adopt a much older dog who's in the settling stage of their life.
Beagles are perfect for children.
We always had beagle hounds when i was growing up, my father bred and sold them. I love them all dearly, they were the cutest, friendliest, little puppies in the world. I was around 4 or 5 and my siblings a little older. They were around kids all the time, and never, not one time, did any of them ever, ever try to hurt one of us kids. They would scratch us from jumping and playing with us, but we never had a mean one. I don't think there is one, at least not to my knowledge. I would highly recommend a beagle for a family pet.
yes they are ,i had 4 and they all where from diff mothers and fathers,,a couple where a little high strung ( jittery) could not stop moving,,,they all like to pack together and they will pack with you once they get to know you ,,, i would take them for walks and they liked to run forward of me but always returned when i called,,the neighbor kids loved the dogs i had,, always playing in the field with them,,,they love to fall asleep next to you,,if you get one you cant go wrong,,a good place to find one would be your local animal shelter,,check it out they need good homes

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