Friday, May 21, 2010

Anyone knows a reliable site for selling pure breed puppies, my family is kinnda allergic to sheding dogsl?

No, and if your family is allergic, then maybe you should not get one. Poodles and shih tzus are less allergenic, and don't shed, so are some other hair type breeds, maltese, yorkies, but some have oils in their skin that people are allergic to, but all of these will need grooming daily. Check out the different less allergenic ones, decide which you can afford for grooming, time, etc, then find a breeder that will take the dog back, if it doesn't work out. Don't buy online and certainly please don't get one from the pet store. The local shelter may have one that is available if money is an issue or you just want to save a life.
most dogs shed - including pure breds!!

there are a few breeds that dont shed like others though, like poodles.
Soft coated Wheaten Terriers are non shedding. Nice friendly personality and a good indoor dog. Need a bit of grooming, not too heavy on excercise.
ALL dogs shed to a certain extent, and they all have dander, which is usually what the allergy is. There is no such thing as a "hypoallergenic" dog.
Don't get a dog and certainly NOT online. Hybrids are usually the worst. You can also be allergic to the saliva of the dogs. The shots and pills aren't worth it.

Allergies can develop over time. There's nothing worse than taking a kid into the ER at 3 am beacuse they can't breathe or dumping a dog into rescue because of allergies.

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