Thursday, July 30, 2009

Animal Cruelity Law, that needs to be set in ink....?

Yo, Everyone here, For those dog lovers or anyone.
What kind of punishment is severe enough for others to avoid doing something very cruel to dogs/cats/ any other pet...
1) A huge fine?
2) 6 months in jail?
3) Community service, such as clean up mess left behind by horses or...
4) Your suggestion is...?

I'm a feline lover, and come to be fond of german shephards. My heart broke in half after hearing some incident in Toronto, Ontario...(sniff, sniff!) How could someone do that to a german shephard?

Tearful environmental fairy
I feel jail time is deserved for being very cruel to pets. Often people get a fine or house arrest - the animals feel pain like us and unlike us don't have a chance to voice their rights.
I would do the first 3 things you suggested for sure, but my suggestion would be whatever they did to the animal they have done to them. Just worse!

I hate people who hurt animals. I have 4 Chihuahua's and 2 cats. I think the world of them. If anyone hurt them I would be the one dealing with them and it would be much worse than anything the law would do to them I can tell ya!
I reside in Texas and a group is trying to get a bill passed that would allow a dog's owner to spend time in jail/prison. Personally, I am not sure how far they should go but I have pets (dogs) that are very friendly and cannot understand why anyone would want a pet that would attack another animal or person. Hopefully, something soon will come of this attempt.
Honey .humans have tortured %26 maimed %26 killed %26 raped %26 enslaved other HUMANS for-freaking-EVER..%26 STILL ARE on an HOURLY basis!!!

What on earth makes you think you can change their behavior toward ANIMALS?
It AIN'T gonna happen...ever. anywhere on THIS THIS reality.
If it's a LAW, then it IS "set in ink", duh!

Unfortunately, that won't totally stop people from doing horrible and intentional things to animals, anymore than it will stop people from doing horrible and intentional things to other humans. That's not to say we don't need such laws, BUT, where issues of "animal cruelty" are concerned, you have to be careful. To some people, merely keeping a dog as a pet consitutes "cruelty", or riding a horse. Ontario has little room to groan about "animal cruelty", when BY ONTARIO LAW many sweet, loving dogs, belonging to families who love them very much and provide the best of care possible, are taken away and KILLED simply because of what they LOOK like!
Don't pay attention to the person that says it will never change

We can change it. If enough people stand up and lend their voice to those that cannot speak, eventually we can change it.
I personally think that anyone who abuses an animal of any kind should get all 3 punishments and be banned for life from ever owning a pet.

My favorite quote is by Schopenhauer.
"Compassion towards animals is bound up with goodness of character. Whoever is cruel to them cannot be good to men."
I WOULD DISLIKE ANYONE WHO WOULD HARM SUCH A POOR THING!!! First of all, give him a 1000 dollar fine. Then Do community service while on house arrest. THEN give him ONE YEAR in JAIL!!!
One year in jail. Bastards deserve it!!!
A pair of men came into the alley behind my house a few weeks ago and hit my dog repeatedly with a 2x4 board. We took him to the vet, he has nerve damage and all we can do for him is make him comfortable and give him meds. He has a giant welt/bruise covering his belly and one leg and couldn't walk for a week, and a 4-inch across lump on his spine. There's nothing else to do but wait for him to heal, even the vet can't do anything. This dog is so sweet and loves everyone, I can't believe someone would do this.
The men are illegal and the cops refuse to do anything for us.
I say and eye for an eye...I know who they are and I can't wait to try out that 2x4. Wonder what those guys will think when they get that board flat across their backs?

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