Thursday, July 30, 2009


my pitbull puppy got into a huge antbed :( her whole belly,armpits and under neck is nothing but huge antbites..i feel so bad for her :( shes taking it very well but is there anything that i could but on a puppy for antbites to take the sting or whatever away???
If they aren't bothering her, then leave it, she will be fine. You'll know if it bugs her, you'll see her trying to scratch herself, or biting at them. If you see none of this behaviour then she is fine, and you don't need to worry. I know you want to allieviate your pups pain, but it sounds like she isn't in any pain and it looks worse then it is. But if it does start to bother her and she starts to develop irritation around the bites from her scratching or biting at them, then call your vet, I know there is a cream you can put on it, but I don't know the name, obviously your vet will. And of course, cover her with hugs and kisses!!
Make a paste out of baking soda and place that over the bites. It will soothe.
If you live near the ocean, take her swimming. Saltwater will help,,,, a lot.

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