Thursday, July 30, 2009

Any advice on training a Pug not to jump all over you everytime you sit down?

I have a 2yr old Pug, who I adore, but I can't sit on my own couch without him jumping all over me.
Using a stern voice say "Sit down" or "Get Down". (Decide if you will allow or won't allow your pet on your couch, and be consistent) Don't touch or pet him/her and keep a stern expression. As soon as he/she gets down off the couch or sits down on the couch respond with a cheerful 'Good dog!" If he/she just continues the jumping and does not respond to your words, put him/her down on the floor yourself and say 'Good dog!". Keep doing this every time he/she jumps up on you. It won't take but a couple of training sessions for your dog to get the idea. You can even reward with treats (they learn sooo much faster when food is involved!)
pugs are small lap dogs,, isn't that why you got him? if you have had enough of petting him, simply say UT UH and put him on the floor,, after a few repetitions he will get the idea,,
We have chihuahuas and they are the same way. I love to have them on my lap, on my shoulder, chest, neck, etc. I wouldn't have it any other way. Enoy the love and companionship your pug gives you.
Fill a empty pop bottle with some changes. shake it when the dog dose it. the sound hurts there ears. Then give him a treat every time the dog obeys.
Yep. I have a pug sitting on my lap right now. They are very affectionate dogs who always like to be near their owners. It's in their nature to want to be close to you at all times. You should just gently lift it off and say 'No' in a stern voice but it will be difficult to stop her wanting to jump on you.
Would you let a child do it? i think not. Tell it not to and don't let it. You are it's master not the other way around!
That's what pugs do. I have one and every single time I sit he is on me. Wherever I go he follows me.

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