Friday, July 31, 2009

Any Pomeranian experts?

I have a pomeranian/maltese/shitzhu. He is a year and 4 months and has recently started to shed. I'm talking like huge clumps of hair every day. I thought at first it was because it was spring but he didn't shed at all last year. I've been brushing him twice a day to try to avoid getting so much hair around the house beacause my husband is having some alergic reactions. Is it normal for him to be shedding this much all of a sudden?
Yep, they just lose alot of hair in the spring and summer. If your husband is having problems with the dog, I suggest going and getting the dog a lion cut. They'll shave him down a little.
It might be normal, it might be allergies, it might be warm weather. Just ask the vet next time you are in. You would have to see the dog to know for sure.
Pomeranians do go through a year old shed.
I suggest blood work when your dog goes to the vet.
They need to check thyroid levels also.
It is normal b/c most of there hair is shed between march and august. b/c of the heat they cant stand having all that hair. so if u get worried just take him to the vet and see what they say but im pretty sure he/she is ok b/c my pom used to do it and since its a mixed breed its gonna do it a lot. if u get scared just shave the dog.i always shave my dogs in the helps to keep fleas off and it helps with the heat too.
shedding is a part of life both human (typically unwanted) and animal (typically unwanted as well) but if you take it to a groomer they can alleviate the shedding for a couple of weeks by removing all that dead hair. you can also find supplements to help boost the strength of their hair. and all those breeds are notorious for shedding

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