Thursday, July 30, 2009

Any breed you suggest?

any suggestions for a small dog bred. anyone you think is good cuz im open for suggestions but they gotta be nicely tempered and cute. oh and if you may could you please include why you like this breed. i really want a puppy and im keeping my mind open for breeds but as much as i love labador retrievers they gotta be small. thank you very much.
Beagles are great!
I have 2 and they are the best!
They are great with kids and very snuggly. They have those eyes that make them never get in trouble.
The only thing is their bark but mine are very good and don't bark so much.
They don't get that big so they don't take up too much space if you live in a small house.
AND you can never have just one!
English Toy Spaniel!!!!
They're REALLY cute and easy to train
king Charles spaniels are adorable, and sweet tempered. the reason i love this breed is because every dog i have met of this breed has been so great with adults and children. absolutely fantastic for a family :)
how about a toy Yorkshire Terrier if you get them when there a puppy they are very lovly when there adult and are about half the size of an 18 month old Cavalier Kings Charles when fully grown
Hello..well since you asked so nicely..I'll give you hint..cuz there are no such things a really ugly dogs, it's in the eye of the owner...myself I prefer mutts..the kind adopted %26 to pick the mellowest dog ..I do the swing test..gently hold them under the arms so their feet are just off the ground %26 see if the dog ( or cat ) just kinda hangs there without alot of fight %26 squirming...Take Care :) BTW, there is nothing mellow about Spaniels or Beagles..they are not what you call lap dogs, quiet...they like %26 need more exercise..shitzu's, bichons. pomerainians.. are pretty sweet, especially if you like to groom %26 bow their hair, pugs, corgies... aren't bad either, but none of these purebreds are cheap and check for rescue centers of these breeds or any breed you have in mind !!
In general, pure-bred small breeds tend to be more prone to personality problems. The best thing to do would be to go to your local humane society and tell them what you are looking for. You may have to wait a while to get the right dog, and you might not get a pure bred dog, but you will get the right dog for your lifestyle. Forget looking for the right breed and start looking for the right dog!
King charles spaniels are sweet, but I think my favorite small lapdogs would be a papillion ( I think I spelled that right) They are cute and cuddly, fluffly, and love to give and recieve attention! When ever I'm sad a papillion always puts a smile on my face. Their antics are like no other lol. Another good dog are boston terriers. They can be hyper active in there youth, but they typically mellow out. I grew up with one, and I've never met a bad boston terrier. Plus I think it's so cute how they wiggle there butts when they are excited!
How about taking a breed quiz?

Heres one:

I personally love basset hounds. They are very cute, too. At least I think so! Here is their page.

Ah, this is the funnest part of getting a dog. Choosing which breed. I have a 3 year old miniature dachshund and she's the best dog I've ever had. She's loyal, loves to walk, was easy to potty train, and is friendly with other dogs. Miniature dachshunds are such cuties, too. There are a couple draw backs though. One is their fragile backs. You have to make sure they don't get overweight or later on down the road they could need back surgery that costs a fortune. Also, they tend to be a little yippy. Dachshunds are usually one person dogs to some extent, so they will protect you to no end. If anyone touches you they'll jump up and bark. I think it's sweet to have a little protector, but some people find this completely annoying.

Another breed that sounds good for you would be a chihuahua. They are nice and small. Because of their size, they can't have much of a behavior problem LOL. I've never had one, but a few people I know have them and they absolutely adore their little chihuahuas. This breed is really fun to dress up in little clothes too.

Good luck finding the right breed! :)
I myself really like maltese dogs. they are very loving and caring dogs. they get attached to a person very quickly.
a good type of small dog breed would be probably be a papillon they are friendly, alert, and aren't very agressive and they also are very cute they have butterfly ears( their ears together look like a butterfly) i like them because they are playful and very cute and the markins on thier heads are suposed to symetrical wich makes them look cuter!
A Yorkie is nice. They are sweet, will defend thier owner at all costs, are small and cute, shed very little, are practically allergy proof, like to go on walks, and are independt. Idependent meaning if you work from seven in the morning to ten at night they won't rip your house apart. The downside is that they tend to get skin problems and have dental problems. You can get them clipped and then bathe them only once a month, but it best to brush them once a week. If they are not clipped it is best to bathe them once a week. But over all a Yorkie is great.
i suggest a dachsund. they are super friendly and small. great for people living by themselves
I recommend the lowchen/lion dog.
I have a Red Pomeranian. He is the greatest %26 our little baby, but he is the exception to the rule from what I've seen with other Poms.
A seriously awesome dog that my family had before is called the mini American Eskimo. They are SO smart %26 beautiful! They used to use them as circus dogs.
If you live somewhere that gets hot, you can just shave them down in the " puppy cut ". ( We do it every spring for our little dog. )
Check out the mini American Eskimo pics.
Info on the mini American Eskimo.

Here's a good way to find the right dog that will fit in with your lifestyle.
Go to the site above, go down the page a bit %26 on the right hand side click on " Take the breed test. "

I tried it out %26 what it does is ask questions about the size of dog you are you looking for, do you want purebred or can it be hybrid, how much of a yard ( if any ) you have, time you can spend excerising %26 grooming the dog, any allergy sufferers in the home, any kids, ect. Then it matches your preferances/needs with the dogs that would be best suited to you %26 your family.
Good Luck!

I just read some of the other peoples answers %26 I wanted to add that I totally agree with the people that are talking about checking out the Humane Society. I have a purebred Pomeranian, purebred Doberman, %26 a half German Short-hair Pointer/half Dalmation. All rescued. And I actually did what melissah said you should do. I gave the Humane Society my name %26 number in case they ever had a female black %26 tan Doberman come in, never thinking they actually would call. In only a couple weeks, they called %26 I had her.
The rescues are full of wonderful animals. It's worth checking out.
i have a yorkshiere terrier. and it is a boy and he is about 7 to 8 pound but still small. And the person i got him from said he was going to be one of the sweetest yorkies they had ever breed before. and he truely is he loves everyone. he is very well tempered and is great at house training. i would def. suggest a yorkie. but make sure you ask the breeder about it attitude and how it reacts to guest. and go for the black one with brown faces the silver yorkies look more older. and trust me the black black yorkies are adorable. And my yorkie even has curls on his hair! good luck finding your companion!
Dachshund or Mini Dachshund...they are small dogs with a big dog attitude. They come in all different colors, patterns, and hair types. They are people dogs and need to be around people all the time. They make good watchdogs but are not aggressive by nature. My dachshunds love to sleep on the bed with me, go for walks (no need for a leash), and love to play. They don't need a lot of exercise but enjoy a nice walk everyday. They are clowns and can make everything into a game. I have owned many dog breeds and never loved a breed more than a Doxie.

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