Thursday, July 30, 2009

Any natural remedies for demodectic mange on a border collie pup?

There aren't any.
Not really. Bite the bullet and get it to the vet; diagnosis is made with a simple skin scraping and then treatment consists of either oral pills or dips. The earlier you start the better; less expensive for you in the long run AND easier on the animal. Be sure and spay or neuter the animal as demodectic mange is linked to a compromised immune system which can be inherited. Also notify the breeder you got the pup from; they need to let the owners of his/her littermates know to have THEIR pets checked, and they should also quit breeding the parents of your dog.
Be sure and read down to the bottom as it tells why some of the "old" remedies are not so hot. DO NOT dip your dog in motor oil!!!
are you sure it's that kind of mange and if so you sould go for a natural cure only after you have tried the ones given to you by a vet, you don't want the dog to suffer just have it cured
Try feeding her/him a good quality food. California Natural may help you out:

People have said Canidae All Life Stages helps with their dogs coat as well:

Try either of those foods to see if that helps (it may take a few weeks/months). If anything you will have to go to the vet to have him prescribe something.

Hope that helps!
I agree with the above, see your vet and have the mange diagnosed for certain so you can treat it. Often puppies will succumb to mange because their immune system is still weak - your vet will most likely prescribe a drug for the mange, but also an enriched diet and or vitamin supplements to help your dog's immune system recover.
Mange is really hard if not impossible to get rid of. I really think you should go to a vet and have it looked at. My cousin wasn't able to get rid of her American Water Spaniel's mange.
Check with a vet.
you could try a mixture of crisco oil (the solid white colored one) and yellow sulfa powder (plain pure kind with nothing else inside), make a paste (little more sulfer than crisco, the oil is so it stays on the infected area) and cover the area with the paste. Make sure it covers the skin. I forgot how long you leave it on. But, you should clean it off every so often and put on a clean mixture every so often. I'm not sure if all mange are the same. But, we used to do this for the most common type of mange. Thin hair, rash, scaley, smelly, weepy kind. I shouln't be harmful to the animal. Good luck.
no. my dog just had it. it was given antibiotics and revolution for that. shes back to normal. its nothing major but the vet will have to prescribe you some stuff.
Your pup needs his immune system boosted. I recommend Transfer Factor Plus and 1000mg of vita C a day split into 2 or 3 doses. I would NOT take this puppy to the vet because they will likely give him more drugs which will further supress/compromise the immune system. What that does generally is trade one problem for another. I have seen MANY dogs get vaccines, get mange, get treated for mange with harsh chemicals or oddly enough antibiotics then come down with the next problem UTI or other issues.
If this truly is demodex, do nothing but support his immune system, feed the highest quality diet you can feed. Do NOT allow further vaccinations. Do not put treatments on him for fleas and ticks or do anything that could further compromise his immune system.
My guess is vaccines caused this in the first place.
The mange will go away on it's own as he becomes stronger again. You can give him sponge baths with warm water and several drops of tea tree oil.
Good Luck!

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