Friday, July 31, 2009

Any suggestions on how to stop my dog from humping peoples legs and cushions?

Might not sound nice but if you pinch his ears he will get the point. You wont have to do it much, just the first few times.

You folks might give me thumbs down but gently pinching the dogs ears works. It shows that you are is what pro's recommend!! And also what other dogs do to prevent being "humped" on.

It is not being mean or abusive!! So dont act like I beat my animals. It is speaking in the animals own language and they respect me for it and I in turn give the animals the same respect
Get him castrated if he isn't already.
dogs are so funny. just try to find it a friend to play with. or by lots of stuffed animals for your dog.
sounds cruel but take him, (i'm assuming he's male) for the chop, should calm him down.
get them fixed
kick it in the knackers
Well, when we got our Golden Retriever fixed, he didn't calm down. Then i tried pinching his ears, and he got the point after the first few times.

Good Luck!
Can't believe some of the replies! Just take the cushions away from him with a firm "NO", don't make a big deal out of it. When he tries it with people, same thing, distract him with some toys or if he's really excited, shut him away for 10 minutes or so until he's calmed down.
Get him neutered, correct him when he humps. Don't allow it.. Instead of giggling when he does it, stern face and NO, removing him from what he is humping.

No, don't pinch his ears.. Don't smack his nose, don't smack his butt.. Why are people so abusive and nasty to their dogs. Since when does aggression do anything but make for more aggression???
Are these things your parents did to you when you did stupid things, or when you did things that were totally natural and just needed to be corrected.. They pinched your ears???
Get him neutered.

It's really the best answer. If you think it's cruel, think about how frustrating it must be for him as things are now.

In the mean time, try teaching him some new tricks and keeping him occupied as much as possible, with chews, kongs, games, walks etc. Make sure he knows his place in the family. By this I mean don't allow him up on chairs / beds, feed him last (his own food, don't share yours) and so on.

When he's in the act, say NO in a loud, firm voice whilst giving him a cross look, push him off, turn away and ignore him. You could also try using discs, or shaking a large bottle full of pebbles or occasionally trying to divert his attention to something else like food.

Book him in ASAP.
get him neutered !!!
You're best off getting him neutered.
But if you're thinking of breeding with him then you just need to train it in the same way you train him for everything else, just with a firm no when he does it. He'll soon get the hang of it.

get him fixed
Get him neutered, and show him that YOU are the boss and that YOU will decide what he does or what he shouldn麓t do. If you don麓t like what he is doing, bare your teeth and growl at him and in a low voice tell him not to do it. That麓s how the leader of the dog pack deals with their lot. If they don麓t listen the first time, the next time the offender will be bitten in the neck, or killed. Easy in animal rules. Its just difficult for us humans to apply these rules when we deal with animals. Talk to them in a language they understand.
you could start off by removing him from whatever he is at with a firm command NO. if this alone does not stop him after a while then add to this removing him from the room and put him somewhere on his own for a time. another way to go is to give him something he is allowed to hump, we did this with one of our dogs and he never touches anything else.
if everything else fails then you may have to get him castrated
Males and females do this. It's a dominance thing. Has your dog been neutered? That would help. Get a squirty bottle and each time the dog tries it, squirt it with water and shout "No!" or "Down".

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