Friday, July 31, 2009

Any Puppy tips? My Pup is 9 wks.?

A dog's personality is formed in the first 4 months of it's life. It also forms it's first habits then and they will be the dog's strongest habits all it's life. If you want it to get up on the furniture when it's full grown let it on the furniture now. If you want it to never come when it's called, tell it to come and then allow it to not respond. Now is the time for formal training!!! This is the most important thing I've learned in 25 years of professional training; and I have a drawer full of ribbons and silver plates. Anybody who says different is too stupid to read any of the many books written on the subject.
I have a puppy named sammy i have had other dogs previous to this one. One thing NOT to do is use wiwi pads or retraactable leshes. First of all you should not do the wiwi pads because they are gross! and because it teachese them very bad habbits of going in the house. Second you should not use a retractable leash becase it gives the dog the sence that they can go wherever they want to and that lead to a VERY BRATY DOG! good luck!!!
the best thing I ever invested in before getting a puppy was the dog training for dummies book. My black lab is 3 yrs old and is AMAZING!!! and its mostly because we used the techniques in that book.
A lot of patience for one. I have three dogs who when they were pups were a nightmare( but adorable to). Maybe something for your pup to chew on, i have lost lots of socks and two pairs of shoes to my little darlings. You will need a lot of treats for him/her for when the pup is good and does as he/she is told,ie potty training and walking on a lead which is really scary the the little mights. If you need anymore help you can e-mail me on be happy to help.
show them that you are the boss...
crate- train them.
don't allow them on your furniture.
bring them to training class, especially if they are large, domineering or somewhat stubborn breeds of dogs.

Good Luck!!!
Rule #1 when training a puppy is patience. Another thing that is very important aside from the training is socialization. Let your pup meet as many people and other dogs as possible. It will get him used to being around other people and animals. Another great idea is to get your puppy enrolled in a training class. It will help you on the training end as well as provide for proper socialization. Good Luck and congrats to the newest member of your family!!!
check out a book called "The Art of Raising a Puppy".

It's by these monks in upstate NY who breed German Shepherds, but it is a great book for all breeds.

It's kind, warm and uses praise and reward to help train, not punishment.

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