Friday, July 31, 2009

Any one have experiences, good or bad, with putting their dog on prednisone?

Usually like the person above stated, prednisone is used only for a short time to treat allergic reactions, however some animals are on it for other reasons as well and have to have it everyother day for life. Not knowing how long your dog is going to be using it I can't really tell you much more about it. It does make the dog more thirsty and she will retain water for a little bit, but as she's drinking more water she will be needing to go out more often as well. You should tell your vet your concerns and he/she will walk through it with you or else have a vet tech help to answer your questions. Hope this little info helps.
Prednisone, or any steroid treatments, should ONLY be used as a short term solution (such as severe allergies) or as a last resort. Prednisone and cortisone treatments work great, but with continued use they will irreparably damage the liver and cause many other severe health issues down the road.

More information on your dog's condition would be helpful.
Yes, it can be a very helpful drug, but should only be used on a temporary basis, and the instructions for weaning the dog off it must be followed carefully.
My beardie was put on prednisone for the duration of his life after he got auto immune disease from getting his booster shots. He gained a lot of weight, even though he was cut back on his food a bit and he still exercised, it was impossible to get weight off him. I don't know if it did any damage to his liver - he didn't make it long enough for it to matter. He was on a 5 mg a day dose for about 8 months.
I only had bad experiences with it, I hated what it did to my dog. He was constantly thristy and hungry, his temperment changed and just was not himself. I got my dog off it fast, and it did not seem to help. Now he is on Holistic or natural remedies and he is doing great,he has no side effects either. I could not stand what it did to my dog and I know it helps dogs but it has awful side effects.

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