Friday, July 31, 2009

Anybody know how to get rid of fleas?

I have a shih tzu and she has a flea problem but alot of the products I am unable to use on her because of her sensitive skin does anyone have any suggestions?
Capstar (one shot oral pill, kills all fleas on the dog in 24 hours, unfortunately it's only good for 24 hours)
Frontline (topical treatment at back of neck; don't bathe her for a couple days before or after this as the skin oils are necessary to spread the insecticide)
Clean thoroughly - vacuum vacuum vacuum, wash her bedding and dry it in the dryer (heat kills the eggs)
Flea bomb the house; pull out all the sofa cushions etc when you do so (you may need to do it again 2-3 weeks later to get eggs that hatch)
Go to your garden dept and get an insecticide that you sprinkle or spray on the lawn.
Feed her a quality food like Canidae or Wellness.
Some people recommend daily garlic and brewer's yeast tablets; it's supposed to make the dog taste bad to the fleas.
If you go to the vet you should ask them about that and they'll give you something to get rid of that fleas. It worked for me.
Frontline is good, much less toxic and less irritating than shampoos, dips, powders and such. Also Capstar, it's an oral tablet that kills the fleas on the dog in about an hour, but it only lasts 24 hours. Using Frontline and Capstar together works great.
Yes, Frontline Plus works wonders but it is expensive. You can try using Dawn dishsoap. It works too but you need to bathe your dog once a week. I use a people hair conditioner after the shampoo.
Well my vet said to use pamolive(dish washing liquid). It kills the fleas , its cheap, not suppose to cause dry skin. It works. I hear tell garlic in their food works too.
What does your vet recommend? Have you tried Frontline or Advantage? Otherwise I'd go with a pill form, like Capstar.

You can use "natural products"

Work on the house and yard, not just the dog. Also treat any other cats or dogs at the house.

There are very mild flea shampoos from the vet. I prefer Frontline over using shampoos or dips. And powders and flea collars just don't work.

Find out why she has sensitive skin. Are you sure it's fleas ??? Fleas are easy to get rid of these days, ask your vet or groomer for help.
I need to tell you that this works for cats but I do not know about dogs. If you try it, please consult someone who would know if it is not good for dogs. I rescued some feral newborn kittens and they were infested. They were too young for commercial flea treatment and I found out through a Holistic/Alternative Medicine site that garlic will get rid of fleas. I put a little garlic powder in their formula and then kept it up when they started eating food. The good thing is the fleas disappeared and never came back. The bad news is they had garlic breath which was really funny coming from such tiny little things. It did work though. There is a group on Yahoo called "Holistic Pet" I would recommend you join and ask about giving garlic to dogs. They will help you out. Good luck.
Fleas are in the environment, so you may think it is just the dog, but it isn't... You need to treat the environment... You can do this a few different ways... there are products on the market that are pesticides (ie: sprays, bombs etc.) but there are other products that are herbal... Using an herbal product will take longer because they do not kill fleas they are repellents... Fleas live in all the cracks and crannies in your home.
As for your dog ~ use either Frontline or Advantage ~ even with sensitive skin it is the best out there. You can also use a product called Program - - it is a pill so it does go into the bloodstream, but it works... And might be the best for your situation.
We have a similar type of dog, very small, also cats. We have been using Program, available through your vet, just one tab per month, also in liquid form for cats.

We have found that the liquid form for cats works good on our little dog. None of our animals have had fleas for years.
I have found that nothing works as well as the DAWN dish washing liguid,but be sure to rinse pet well,and you should treat your lawn with a yard or kennel spray that can be purchased at any feed store,but remove your pet until it drys on lawn.

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