Friday, July 31, 2009

Anyone do bell training to house train their puppy?

Any tips? My shih tzu puppy doesn't seem to be "getting it".
No mine come get me.

They are too silly. If Imon the phone and say "Ill talk to you later" they all jump and run for the back door. I told my daughter last night "Okay im gonna go... " was as far as I got and they were at the door.
Colin Tennant %26 Associates
The Canine %26 Feline Behaviour Centre
i did that when my gsd was a pup, but, she was too smart for it. she got to the point, when i wasnt in a room and a door was shut so she couldnt get to me, she would ring the bell (i bought a kids doorbell type bell for her to push with her nose)...she knew when i heard the sound i would come to her...
I have not tried it.
I just trained my puppy to go potty outside. She is 13 weeks old. She is a Lab. It took me 3 1/2 weeks to train her. I started out when she was 6 1/2 weeks old.
She will now go to the door and sit there until I come. If I don't she will start to cry.
I am home all day so that helped a lot!!
If you want me to tell you how I did so let me know
Good Luck!!
Never heard of bell training a dog to go outside to go the bathroom. I've had a few dogs in my days, some puppies pick this up faster than others. Alls I ever did with any puppy to train him to go outside was I pretty much treated the puppy like a newborn child because all they do is eat, sleep, poop and pee. So as soon as the puppy stood up from sleeping I'd take him right outside. After eating same thing, after playing, same thing. Lots of attention to that. Maybe after a few days I'd have the puppy follow me when I was going to put him outside. Then you do that enough times so he'll catch on. Sometimes if the dog has gone in the house you really have to get the smell out of the area where he's gone because that's what might be encouraging him to go in the house still. Be patient with him/her, they'll get it eventually, I know sooner would be nice...but You have to be diligent and consistent just like with training a dog to do anything. Good Luck MLJ
I did bell training and I couldn't believe how great it worked. I put Christmas bells on the door and every time I opened the door to let my dog out she heard the bells and it didn't take long at all for her to make the connection between the bells and going outside. I told my mom about the bells (she was having problems house braking her dog) and the bells worked for her too. Good luck!
I just got a new puppy also. She seems to be starting to get it. We've found that if you keep the back door open it will help. Also, praise is the key! Make sure every time your dog goes to the bathroom, you give him a whole lot of praise. Don't get mad when they don't go, but simply say, " ok, let's go inside" Make sure your voice is less enthusiastic when you say this. Also give him a treat when he does go. Dogs notice the difference when food is involved. When he goes in the house don't yell, just put on a stern voice, and say No No! Dogs recognize what your voice sounds like. Then take them outside were they're supposed to go. Don't give up! different breeds take different amounts of time. Just remember "praise instead of punishment"
I did this for a few clients and it works great. Evidently you have the basics down so justt keep it up and one day it will be like the "light bulb" comes on.

Don't give up on it. Dogs are like humans they all learn at different rates so jus be persistent.

Good luck and when this is accomplished you will be glad that you stuck with it.

1 comment:

  1. I have trained our Min Pin to ring a bell and we open the door for her to do her business.

    You start off with teaching the touch command. Once they get the touch command I would make them start touching the bell. The command I used was "touch bell". Once she had that, everytime she touched the bell, the door would open and she had to do her business on the newspaper. If she didn't, we brought her back into her crate and tried again later.

    I idea is to associate the bell with the door opening and going to pee or poo. She was not allowed any freedom until she did that.

    It took about a week and a lot of consistency but now she rings it when she has to go all the time.

