Friday, July 31, 2009

Any trouble with dogs ruining furniture/items and how to correct?

I work at an humane society. We recommend you treat a new puppy or dog the same way as a 2 year old human child.If they are not in you sight, they are not safe and neither is your stuff. Crate training is the best way to go. If you are not with the pet, the pet needs to be in the crate. As long as the crate is in the home with temp. control don't offer any food or water in the crate. Toys, pillows, and raw hides are great in the crate with the pet so he or she does not get Bord. Good luck. Look up more info on crate training a pup! It works great!
Crate train them, put your junk away, when you catch them with the stuff you leave lying around, take it from them, tell them NO, and give them something appropriate to chew and play with. Get them more exercise so they are tired..
My two best guesses with out more info, are either boredom, or seperation anxiety. Boredom can be fixed by providing toys/stimulation while you are gone, putting in a kennel will also prevent this, but is probably even more boring. If it is seperation anxiety, you will need to train your dog not to fear you leaving/being gone. It could take quite awhile to break him. You need to leave for short periods, and when you leave, just do it, don't tell him "goodbye", or do anything to indicate that you are leaving. Give him praise when he does not do anything naughty. I would suggest reading a good book, or talking to a trainer for more details.
You can get a spray bottle in a pet store and spray things that he/she chews. It has this smell that dogs don't like and it's not harmful to the dog.
Puppies are prone to chewing on stuff when they are teething. It's very important that you have lots of chewable dog toys and that the dog knows what's a toy and what isn't. It can become a life long habit problem if puppies learn to chew on the wrong items.
Also, some dogs may destroy items out of boredom/fustration if you leave them alone for a very long time or don't give them attention. If you have to leave them alone for a long time make sure to have a crate for them and make sure they are comfortable being in it, otherwise it would be like torture to them. A good way to get dogs comfortable with crates it to leave it open and accessible to them at all times. Maybe even leave a dog treat in there and they'll learn that it's more like their own private space or house rather than a cage or cell.
One way to relieve the dogs boredom is to get a very hard rubber chew toy from the pet shop that has a cavity, stuff the cavity with something tasty and freeze it, give your dog the toy as you leave and they will be occupied for hours trying to get to the contents.
Crate your dog when you can supervise them.
My old dog once tore out the bottom lining of my matress/box spring one night (I didnt keep him in a crate). I bought some spray stuff, I forgot what it was called specifically, but Ive seen many different variations. It worked wonders, I started using it in different place of the house he was prone to "having accidents" and it did keep him away. If you can find comething like this I highly recomnd it.

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